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Difference between migraine with aura and without aura

Migraine is a type of headache that can affect adults and children. There are two types of migraines that can occur, namely migraine with aura and without aura. Both types of migraine can be distinguished from symptoms. Headaches due to migraines are generally felt on one side of the head, with moderate to severe intensity. However, migraines need to be distinguished from headaches. In addition to feeling throbbing head, migraine can make sufferers experience nausea, vomiting, and more sensitive to light or sound. In addition, some migraine sufferers can also experience "aura", which is a symptom due to a disturbance in the nervous system that occurs just before or in conjunction with the appearance of headaches and other migraine symptoms. The aura is usually followed by a headache, no later than 60 minutes afterwards. Aura Characteristics Symptoms of this aura can occur in 15-30% of migraine sufferers. Auras generally appear gradually every 5-20 minutes, and only last
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Often experiencing watery eyes, here are 10 possible causes

Watery eyes will make you feel uncomfortable and your eyesight can also be disturbed. Watery eye complaints can be caused by a variety of things, ranging from irritation or allergies to diseases of the immune system and nerves. Tears are produced by the tear glands, and function to lubricate the eyeball and clean the dirt in or around the eyes. Watery eyes can be caused by a tear drainage system that is not functioning properly or because the tear glands produce excessive tears. Although watery eyes are quite common and often heal themselves, but this complaint should be wary of because it could indicate a disease. Various Possible Causes of Watery Eyes Watery eyes can be caused by many things, including: 1. Allergies One of the most common causes of watery eyes is allergies. Allergy to exposure to pollen, pet dander, mites, or dust can cause eyes to become red, itchy and runny. This condition can be accompanied by other allergic symptoms, such as itchy and runny nose, red and

Rows of Health Screening for Women to Do

Screening is a health check conducted to assess whether a person has risk factors for a health problem. Screening aims to provide information as well as appropriate handling if found risks for certain diseases. For women, there are several health screening that needs to be done. Screening is done, can vary for each woman, according to needs. This depends on your age, personal and family health history, and other risk factors that may be present, such as body weight, work, and environmental or residential conditions. Various Screening for Women Here are some health screening that should be done by for women: Blood pressure screening Blood pressure testing or screening is done to find out blood pressure, in order to monitor the risk of hypertension. Women aged 20 years are recommended to have their blood pressure checked at least once every two years. For women aged 40 years and over, it is necessary to routinely check blood pressure, especially if you have hypertension risk fac